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Layered Sequences

Contents are extracted from the Advanced UVM sessions by Verification Academy.

Sequences and sequencers

Most sequences run on sequences

  • One sequencer per agent
  • Env may define default sequence
  • Can be overridden via factory
  • Test defines other sequences

Sequences generate items

  • Sequencer send the items to the driver

Tests require coordinating multiple sequences on multiple DUT interfaces (virtual sequencers)

Virtual sequences


Only manages the execution of other sequences


Do the sequencer’s handle passing from the test since only the test know the hierarchical path to the sequencer


Start vseq with null sequencer since it doesn’t need to be executed on any sequencer



init_vseq: Method to initialize the virtual sequence handles (the sequencer handles)

Calling in run_phase

Using virtual sequence in a test

Extends the base test for reusability

start method of the virtual sequence will execute the body task → Starting sequences in any fashion defined



Use virtual sequencer as alternative


Since the virtual sequencer is a component, the passing sub-sequencer handling to the virtual sequencer occurs on the connect_phase


Virtual sequence base

Also includes the handle to the virtual sequencer it’s going to be started on




Layered protocols

Hierarchical Protocols (PCIe, USB3.0, MIPI LLI..)

  • Transaction layer
  • Transport layer
  • Physical layer


  • Generic layer (e.g. TLM2.0 GP)
  • Specific protocol (e.g. AMBA AHB)

All require sequence items to be deconstructed and reconstructed

  • One-to-many:
    • High-level transaction broken down to many low-level transactions
  • Many-to-one:
    • Many high level transaction will be used to composed a large low-level transactions

Tests start sequences

Want to execute sequences at the top layer

  • Test starts sequence on sequencer

Reuse as much as possible

  • Protocol agent on the bus
  • Sequencers/monitors at higher layers



Adding layer

From “above”, he layer looks like a UVC

  • Run sequence(s) on sequencer
  • Monitor (analysis_port) to report activity



Must be able to execute sequences on protocol layer


Translation sequence

Translation sequence runs on the lower sequencer

  • Handles the layering connection
  • Converts items between layers

Have the handle to the upper level sequencer

Parameterized by the transaction item of the upper level sequencer

  • Declare transaction item type of the upper level sequence and transaction item type of the lower level sequence to be sent downstream to the driver


Translation sequence is a dynamic object → Can’t actually have a port here

⇒ Use the get_next_item method of the sequencer to get the transaction


Do the translation to lower level transaction type as needed and send it to the driver using start_item and finish_item pair


Signal back to the upper level sequencer by calling item_done() method


Analysis path

*Each layer uses a reconstruction monitor

  • The “inverse” of the translation sequence
  • Assembles high-level items from lower-level items

Connect the analysis_export of the monitor analysis_port of the agent to receive the lower-level transaction

The L1_mon having the analysis port to send out the higher level translated transaction


Example can be seen on the UVM Cookbook


Layered agent

Having the handle of the dut_agent to access its sequencer



Connect phase connecting the analysis port and export of the monitor to the agent’s


Run phase starting the translation sequence

  • Passing the up level sequencer handle (current sequencer of the Layered agent) to the sequence
  • Start the sequence on the lower-level sequence (dut_agent)


The environment

Connect components as usual


Multiple layered


The multi-layered agent

Encapsulate as many layers as needed

Make intermediate analysis_ports available as needed

From “above” it looks just like an agent


Internal protocol agent



Layering agent has a child sequencer for every non-leaf-level

*Creates and starts a translation sequence for every non-leaf-level

  • Translation sequence will be started on lower-level sequencer
  • Translation sequence points back to higher-layer sequencers

*May include a reconstruction monitor for each non-leaf-level

Must have a handle to the leaf-level protocol agent

  • Agent may be a child of the UVC or external

*Should create and connect an analysis_port for each monitor

Will usually have a configuration object associated with the layering agent

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