Writing and managing Tests
Contents are extracted from the Advanced UVM sessions by Verification Academy.
What is a test?
The environment is the “testbench”
- Defines what components are needed to verify the DUT
- Specifies defaults
The test’s job is to “tweak” the tesbench
- Configuration
- Factory overrides
- Additional sequences
The test’s other job is to ensure that the simulation ends
Defaults in UVM
Can add additional check to make sure the value pass by the configuration DB from the test is still legal
Use a Base Test to set defaults
There is option to override the environment type, make sure to do factory override before calling
inside the extended test
Extend Base Test to create a Test
To override the environment type as mentioned above:
Set up and invoke test
Instantiate the DUT’s virtual interface and pass it down to the testbench through UVM config DB
Complex environment, simple test
Simple Test
Extended Test
The virtual sequence can also be overridden using the
method → Explicit sequence type override
Managing Test Execution: Phase objections
Components or Sequences can raise or drop objections
Phase continues until all raised objections are dropped
An objection must be raised at the beginning of the phase
Objections are hierarchical
Objections are raised up the hierarchy by default
Sequencer’s objection + Monitor’s objection = 2 agent’s objections
Objections are dropped hierarchically too
When a component’s count = 0, wait for drain_time
to elapse
Raise and drop objections inside the test
Allows the test to determine when all the stimulus is complete and start dropping the objection
There might be cases where the objections is drop before the last transaction hasn’t finish processing yet
Using objections
Scoreboard recording transactions can raise an objection to prevent the test from ending early, make sure all the transactions has been recorded
Not recommended since it will introduce additional overhead
Alternative solution:
Recommendation: Objecting in a component
Using the provided method
to do the objection before ending the phase